Applications & Solutions in the Medical Sector

Whenever materials are inserted into the human body, special attention is given to their surface. Besides the compulsory requirement of being sterile, the reaction of the body to the inserted material is of high relevance while this reaction depends on the surface microstructure of the material inserted. Depending on the situation, the aim is to ensure that implants provide ideal surface structure to grow together with bone material or is to provide a surface preventing friction when inserting a catheter. In addition to materials inserted to the body for a short time or remaining there, medical technology also uses microgeometries outside the body for analysis purposes in so called lab-on-chip or micro-fluidic systems. An exact adjustment of surface structures and geometries goes along with powerful 3D metrology, capable of acquiring the critical dimensions.
Besides the quality assurance of implants, there are a lot more medical applications with no direct impact on the human body. Be it special products for laboratories and research, such as micro well or microtiter plates, or devices for the dosage of medications, such as micro valves or atomizers which sometimes even resort to semiconductor processes. Solarius provides a wide variety of metrology solutions, in combination with more than 20 years of experience. Especially for the customers in medical industry, the solarius metrology and automation platform comes with a FDA 21 part 11 compliant audit trail to ensure traceability in manufacturing.